Thursday, February 28, 2013

Full Term Breastfeeding

Today I was referred to as a "hippy" and a "cunt" for my views on nursing. I don't believe there is such thing as "extended" breastfeeding, there's  nothing extended about it. It's natural, is that really so hard to accept?

Let me first start by saying I support babies being fed. Even if it's formula. I believe breast is best but SO many mothers are uneducated and do not have the support they need. I believe every child has the right to breast milk; donor, pumped or straight from the tap. I wish people didn't go with the flow, I wish people questioned things and society. It's your right, use it!

WHO recommends all babies are fed for at least two years. Yes, you read that correctly, TWO whole years. Yes, a walking, talking, running, self feeding child that will ask for it. The natural age of weaning is between 2 and 7 years ( Your nurslings brain will nearly triple in the first two years of life and needs those fatty DHAs. Full term breastfeeding lowers risks of many illness (extra awesome if you don't vax), it builds a better immune system and decreases rates of obesity. They generally have better vision, dental and intestinal health. Full term breastfeeding also provides healthier, glossier hair; it acts as a painkiller for all of those bumps and bruises we know all too well; stronger bones; your child will be a less fussier eater and it will provide them with a greater sense of independence (

Not only is it beneficial health wise the bond alone is worth it. Gazing into your child eyes knowing the peaceful, calming, loving affect you have caused by nursing is all the reason you need. Well, all the reason I need.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Who am I?

Who am I?
I'm Brittany. I was chosen to bring Avrum James to earth side on the 3rd day of March in 2012. I was named Mom to Avrum to love, guide and steer him into adulthood; to show and teach him love and compassion.
 I believe all children have the right to breast milk and Avrum will nurse as long as he feels he needs/wants to. As his basic right he nurses anywhere and everywhere when ever he feels the need.
I believe cribs and strollers are society ways of forming an unnecessary separation between mother and child, I baby wear and cosleep. Cosleeping is only natural, it's been done for billions of years. Why stop now?
I am anti "cry it out" and "sleep training". You do NOT NOT NOT train a baby, you train a dog. I believe in 24 hour parenting. You get your ass up and tend to the baby. Awe, you're tired? Too bad.
Avrum will  not be spanked or manipulated. He is human, he has feeling and he has basic human rights. We only practice positive reinforcement, there is no such thing as "time outs" in this household.
I stand up for children's rights to stay whole, genital integrity is important and it's their bodies, their choices and I am proud to say my son's foreskin has not been put into an anti-aging cream. Avrum was born perfect, I didn't have to mutilate his penis to make him so.
I limit processed foods, Avrum is so young and unable to make healthy choices for himself. I will not fill his body is processed foods, chemicals and sugars. I make all of his meals home made and make him healthy snacks.
Avrum was fed a handful of purees. We practice baby led weaning, he learned to eat from eating from my plate. He decided when he was ready to eat real food, how much and what.
We are giving up commercial soaps filled with toxins. All soaps, shampoos and body products will be home made and natural.
My household is mostly a media free household. Avrum very rarely watches cartoons and when he does they are educational. The media presents children and adults of false pretenses of what the world and it's people should be/are. Avrum will grow to find out what the world is really made of and to respect it. 

I am not writing this blog for you. I'm writing it for Avrum, so one day he will have this to look back on and remember how he grew up.

I believe in gentle/attachment/crunchy what ever you'd like to call it parenting, to me it's only natural and this is our journey.